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Lady in search of knighthood

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Sir William:
Welcome to the forums, lady. 

Eva de Carduus Weald:
Thank you all very much for the welcome! I truly feel as though I have found a great group of people with similar interests indeed. I hope to learn a lot from all of you and can only hope that I have something of value to offer as well.

As for heavy combat for SCA and TKD, I agree for the most part. I honestly feel that if I were armored well and practiced diligently that I could do very well on the HC fields, the hard part is that I don't want to have hubby worry as much as he would worry. He might change his mind in the future, he might not. I just hope that when I get into rapier that I will be able to prove my skill and ability in the martial field and will just have to have my armor be for the pretty factor for a while, likely a long while.

I am currently in the process of getting my name and device registered. I am very excited about that actually. I sculpt custom wax seals and the first device I want to sculpt is my own. :D I am also marshaling thrown weapons and will likely try to become a marshal in all of the many and varied fighting arts from siege to combat.

On a side but somewhat related note to the desire to help others and protect them, I was actually in the process of becoming a police officer, however it didn't work out simply due to the multiple career side of things, however the desire has never gone away. I suppose this is another avenue to fulfill that need. Sorry if I am rambling on. :)

Sir Edward:

Yeah, sometimes it takes time for loved ones to warm up to the idea of the combat arts. As with most things, fears can often be dispelled over time through exposure, so it's quite possible that after some time with the rapier combat, he might be more on board with other sword arts as well.

After Sir Brian and I have both managed to demonstrate an ability to lose thumb nails, my wife now does a fingernail check when I get home from combat demos and other events. :)

Eva de Carduus Weald:
Oh I think over time it is possible but he needs the exposure. The problem is he is a scientist in the biological side and follows the medical papers as they come out on certain things like concussion, breaks, ligament strength, etc and has pretty much said he will support it if I train to the level of an elite athlete. As much as I would enjoy the fighting, I am not willing to spend that much of my life pumping iron, running, and practicing to get on that level. It is a flaw in my character I know but it is the truth. Although if I did I would probably be one hell of a fighter. As it is I am fast, though not strong.

As far as losing finger nails, ouch! I can fully understand why she would do a fingernail check! Still it sounds like you guys have fun! :D

Sir James A:
Hail and welcome!

--- Quote from: Eva de Carduus Weald on 2014-08-12, 19:09:10 ---Historically there have been celebrate female warriors but no female fighting knights that I know of.
--- End quote ---

There aren't a plethora, however,

--- Quote from: Eva de Carduus Weald on 2014-08-13, 18:02:32 ---I love the idea of armored combat but, honestly, that isn't really what drives me. Mostly I like the shiney shineies of the armor and looking spiffy first and foremost when it comes to the *look* side of things.

--- End quote ---

Nothing at all wrong with putting on armor to look good. Renn Faires are a great place for that. I was in armor about 15 years ago for SCA, took a decade-long hiatus, and back in armor but not for SCA. At first it was for the "cool factor" so kids can see a real knight (long personal story), then participating in speeches / demonstrations at faire, and then Sir Nathan and I decided we wanted to hit each other with wooden swords in the most friendly of manners, and we've done armored combat for a couple years now. :)

I'm not overly competitive as I have a tendency to lose constantly, but from a scholarly perspective, the raw thrill of having a full harness on and full-speed combat is beyond words. Whether or not you fight well, or fight at all, armor is a thrill in and of itself.


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