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Lady in search of knighthood

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Sir Edward:

Welcome to the forum!

Although SCA combat might not work out for you, I'm glad you're looking into western martial arts as an alternative. There are many ways to approach HEMA/WMA, and it's possible to to take a relaxed, scholarly approach to it, if that's what works best for you (likewise, it's also possible to take a more athletic/competitive role with it as well, depending on what suits your tastes). The armored side of this can be quite fun as well.

I'm sure you'll find the forum community here to be extremely friendly, supportive, and helpful. You'll fit right in. :)

Sir Brian:
As Sir Edward says, the armored fighting can be lots of fun. Here is a picture of Jessica Finley who is an inspiration not only in HEMA but for a harness as well which is AWESOME! :)

Eva de Carduus Weald:
Thank you! I am kind of just learning right now and enjoying the process of getting to use the sword, even if it is a wooden practice sword, and seeing how it actually works rather than what you see on TV and in movies. Honestly it is exactly as I once heard it described, an extension of the body. I have hit something of a wall though so that will take some time to get over.

To be honest competition is fun but not really my thing. I like the practical side of fighting and using my skills to ever improve for myself however, I also understand the difficulty in making such a practice safe enough where all parties should walk away unscathed. To me it is something like a dance, albeit one that changes with every step. You should read your partner and they you. Much like any martial art.

I love the idea of armored combat but, honestly, that isn't really what drives me. Mostly I like the shiney shineies of the armor and looking spiffy first and foremost when it comes to the *look* side of things. The steel I can be happy with demonstrations and with messing about with learning the sword. I think for me the martial side of things is an understanding of the mortality. A sword/axe/dagger/spear/etc.... is made for killing. That is it's intended purpose and life is one of those things each person puts a different value on. I am happy enough to appreciate the art without needing to actually try to open an armored opponent up like a can of sardines. :D Not that I think anyone in the modern times would try that in friendly competition of course.

There are a lot of SCA and otherwise women out there who amaze me with their skill, men too actually. The practice and work it would take to pull some of the moves they do is incredible. Power is a tool but skill, that can win it all. I always love to watch the competition and congratulate both the winner and everyone else who competed.

For now I am concentrating on the side I live day to day. I feel I can always improve that, the code I live by and how I live it. :)

Oh and I had a look at the 10 most famous women warriors link, wow. There were some strong ladies way back when!

SCA heavy my seem nasty but it's mostly bruises & contusions at most with the odd vertebrae going out.

SCA combat is safer than Taekwondo sparring. I have years of experience in both and I've never broken a bone nor been knocked out on the SCA field. I've done both in TKD. Thus why the insurance for it is so very low.

Lord Dane:
Welcome to the forum my lady.  :D You will find all you need in resources here very helpful to your efforts. We are a diverse bunch with similar interests and each with our own talents. Any of us will be glad to assist you.


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