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Lady in search of knighthood

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Eva de Carduus Weald:
Greetings fair gentles all. My modern name is Melyssa however, my SCA name will likely be Eva and thus is the name I shall call myself in terms of my quest of knighthood. Historically there have been celebrate female warriors but no female fighting knights that I know of. I might well be missing information, I admit I have not researched this topic near enough to be considered knowledgeable, much less expert.

I have, from the time I can remember, always been enthralled by the very concept of chivalry and the romantic ideals of knighthood. I do not mean love romance, I mean the concept of protecting everyone, regardless of income, standing, or really anything else. I never wanted to be princess, I wanted to be the warrior on the horse, in shining armor, charging into battle for the ideals of protecting those who cannot protect themselves. The concept of honor came next, the thought of respecting your foe, not entering into any altercation with hate, giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, and always believing that no matter what, people are always worth a second chance.

It is only recently when I truly began my quest to find others who hold similar ideals. To see if chivalry, true chivalry was truly dead or if there were others who felt as I did. It is this that found me stumbling upon this site. I am glad I found such a place as this and hope to show myself worthy of the spirit of knighthood, even if the title might never be bestowed upon me by any monarch.

In service to all life and the defense of it,

Lord Chagatai:
Greetings and well met,
There are several female knights in the SCA. I personally know two of them and have fought them many times. Syr Madigan and Sir Slaine of the kingdom of the outlands!!

Huzzah on your decision to make the long journey unto being a knight..

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Sir Raoukinn of Antir.

Sir Mari Alexander of the West.

Sir Brynne McClellan of the West.

There are not a huge number of KSCA who are women but IIRC all the women listed above have won royal tourney's by their own hand. One female KSCA even won the Crown of Ansteorra(?) while fighting her hubby in finals.


Welcome to the Modern Chivalry forums.  I hope you find what you seek among the members here, and in your journey with the SCA.  If you look to historical inspiration, although she wasn't literally knighted, never overlook the Maid of Orleans, Joan of Arc.  She was perhaps one of the most influential medieval warriors in history, and certainly inspirational, starting life as a peasant and then ultimately leading France to victory in the Hundred Years War.

Sir Douglas:
Welcome to the Forums, Milady. We have quite a few SCAdians here, and plenty of very knowledgeable folks; I'm sure you're in good company. :)

And speaking of Joan of Arc, I ran across this short article the other day that might be right up your alley:

Though they left out one of my favorite famous fighting females*: Agnes Randolph, i.e. "Black Agnes".
*Huzzah for alliteration!


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