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Lady in search of knighthood

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Sir Nate:
Glad to see you've made it to the forum.
Yes there are many SCA peoples here,  you will fit right in.
As for being knighted by a monarch. Some of the first groups of knights had it so to become a knight you would have to be knighted by the leader of that say order.
While kings and queens could knight people. The leaders of knight orders could too.

Aiden of Oreland:
Huzzah and welcome! It is always great to hear of somebody's quest to follow the path of chivalry and bring it to our modern world. You will find no finer place to fit in. If you require any help, be sure to ask! We are all willing to give hand. You will make a fine addition to our community, friend.

Sir Patrick:
Hail and well met, M'Lady!

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met Eva de Carduus Weald and welcome to the forum!  :)

Eva de Carduus Weald:
My deepest thanks for the very warm welcome. I know of many female warriors in history who, once I had learned of them, became some of my heros. By no means did I not have male heros as well of course. :)

I know I can be a knight in the SCA if I chose to do so but my husband has informed me that he would be very worried that I would become seriously injured should I pursue armored combat. And thus I do not have the option of knighthood. He is okay with rapier so I shall be pursuing that as soon as i have the time to do so, but knighthood in the SCA sadly cannot be mine. This will not preclude me from living by the virtues of knighthood, it simply means that officially I cannot follow that path as I cannot do the heavy combat, well I could do the heavy combat but it would create strife at home and I love, respect, and care about my husband too much to put him through that.

I have some friends on FB who are knights of Ansteorra and other kingdoms. I have learned a lot from them and felt there had to be others I could learn from as well to continue the path to personal knighthood. I would love to have an order to which I could belong but I don't know of one that doesn't require the type of combat that would spiral right back to that spousal concern. :)

On the upside I am learning western swordwork from a friend who has instructed ARMA for 8 years and have done martial arts, I took traditional Tae Kwon Do and got to recommended first dan. I had a splatter of other arts as well.

I have been fascinated with armored combat since I could remember my mom reading the Arthurian legends and Robin Hood to me. Swords, shields, and the like drew me in like nothing else, but who wants to be the one saved? I wanna be the one doing the saving! :)

I have the cloth for my nicer version of soft garb and a sword. I plan to, over a long time, gain armor bits piece by piece and I plan on getting a chain mail kit. But this will take time.


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