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Lady in search of knighthood

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Eva de Carduus Weald:
Yeah I loved reading about the Order of the Hatchet and honestly I think regardless of gender a warrior is a warrior, it isn't gender specific. Granted biologically men and women have different advantages/liabilities in certain areas, men develop muscle faster and tend to be bigger, which is a decided advantage in combat however, not all men are built the same and not all women are built the same and sometimes there is crossover. That's genetics for ya. Saying that, when you have an opponent who is much bigger, much stronger, and with a greater reach, what do you do? If you manage to get an advantage do you seriously give that away? That is your one shot to walk away, it would be suicide to give that advantage up. As for the other guy, the big one, is it really dishonorable to use the advantages he has? What is he supposed to do when fighting a weaker opponent? Try and lose muscle mass, skill, and height? This is where being realistic vs following romanticized ideals by people who have never fought.

Personally, as one of those who tends to be the weaker opponent, I then get better by focusing on skill, strategy, and strength when I can. You make openings, you use the other guy's strength against him, you fight smart. If you get an opening, use it. If you get an advantage then use it. Seriously, if you are on the field and you need to win it for your king then you fight with every opportunity that comes your way. You don't have to be a jerk about it, especially as this is not the period we are re-creating and we are not trying to kill our opponents, and hopefully vice-versa. So no, in my opinion using an advantage you managed to obtain is not dishonorable. What would be dishonorable would be if you haven't started yet and you hit the guy in the head before his helmet is not even on yet. That would be the height of dishonor to me. Agreeing to fight an opponent and then complaining about how they won and thus cheated that would be dishonorable, lying about the fight or someone else, that would be dishonorable. At least to me. :)


--- Quote from: Eva de Carduus Weald on 2014-08-15, 13:19:00 ---Hey, I say if she entered the field then she signed up for it. Did she tell you well fought at the end of it? :D

--- End quote ---

She grumbled a bit about it. She's got ego issues and hates having me beat her. She hates having anyone who came up after her beat her. It has to do with her belief that Helm Time should be enough to win a knights belt, if you have the rest of it, regardless of how much skill, or lack there of you have. Also she blames not being Knighted on her being a woman because the Council has a prejudice against women (sometimes this is a factor, but not in her case).

It's worse when she dies to something I told her she would die to (the belly shot). And loses cause I'm the one that killed her.

In the pic I  killed her by cutting to her ribs & thrusting to her face. It was beautiful. :)

Eva de Carduus Weald:
Good gracious, if you are not winning regardless of time spent fighting then the answer is train smarter. I love to win but not when I didn't actually earn the win. Still she fights pretty well. As for knighthood, isn't the whole idea behind knighthood, honor in arms. In other words, it is being honorable in and out of combat. Looks like you had fun though. :D

Welcome to the forum M'lady.


Eva de Carduus Weald:
Thank you! I am afraid I was out of town last week so was not online but I am back!


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