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Lady in search of knighthood

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Eva de Carduus Weald:
Ohhhhh *runs off to read the Wikipedia link!*

As for armored combat, don't get me wrong I love a friendly fight and since beginning to learn the western version of sword-craft I am in love with it. I have to say though that SCA armored combat and honest to whatever you believe in true medieval fighting are night and day. Gouging the eyes, ripping open the weak parts of the armor with a stiletto, a good punch to the head with a gauntlet, all viable and more. The point was to walk away alive and leave the other guy so much meat. Honorable combat or no, at the end of the day the one who walked away wins. And the point was to win.

I enjoy a good spar though and I learn so much from each one!

I stabbed my mum in the belly at Coronet to win my first of 5 rounds of that tourney. Got vid of it too. :)

Sir Rodney:
Well met my lady!

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2014-08-15, 00:04:52 ---I stabbed my mum in the belly at Coronet to win my first of 5 rounds of that tourney. Got vid of it too. :)

--- End quote ---

That's hard core, taking out your mom!

Eva de Carduus Weald:
Hey, I say if she entered the field then she signed up for it. Did she tell you well fought at the end of it? :D

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Eva de Carduus Weald on 2014-08-14, 21:39:55 ---Ohhhhh *runs off to read the Wikipedia link!*

--- End quote ---

Unfortunately, there's not a huge amount of info out there about the Order of the Hatchet. But it was an actual knightly order of women. I think most information about it indicates that it was created specifically for them, and no new members were inducted, so it died out with them. But it's a wonderful piece of history.

--- Quote from: Eva de Carduus Weald on 2014-08-14, 21:39:55 ---As for armored combat, don't get me wrong I love a friendly fight and since beginning to learn the western version of sword-craft I am in love with it. I have to say though that SCA armored combat and honest to whatever you believe in true medieval fighting are night and day. Gouging the eyes, ripping open the weak parts of the armor with a stiletto, a good punch to the head with a gauntlet, all viable and more. The point was to walk away alive and leave the other guy so much meat. Honorable combat or no, at the end of the day the one who walked away wins. And the point was to win.

--- End quote ---

What makes this even more interesting, is how it ties into Chivalric ideals as well. We had a discussion in another thread about whether it is honorable or not to give up an earned advantage (such as taking out someone's arm in SCA combat), and face the opponent on equal footing after clearly taking the lead.

Is it more honorable to fight "nice", and less honorable to fight "dirty"? In a Victorian sense of honor & chivalry, perhaps so. But the further back you go, looking into the earlier parts of the medieval period, "chivalry" is more of a warrior ethos, and it's simply considered more chivalric to win, and win decisively. Going for the eyes or throat isn't dishonorable, it's tactics. :)


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