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Shield of the Black Knight of the Order of the Marshal

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Sir Ulrich:
Sent them an email about getting one done. That actually looks a lot nicer than the ones with the hose edges. They did say my coat of arms would take longer to paint on but I hope it comes out well enough. Shapes wise I am going with this one

As it seems more pointed at the bottom which I noticed on German effigies the shields were usually triangular shaped.


When will you get to test out it's usability? Will there be pics?

Sir William:
That's the basic shape I use for my shields thus far; going to have them do up a couple more for me.  Make sure you tell them you want the steel edging (or if it is just for show, no edging) - the hose edging is ugly and only useful if you're going to be using it in the SCA as I am not sure they allow steel rimmed shields on the field.

You don't need hose for the edging. That comes from folks choosing convenience over looks. It's just a safety rule to preserve equipment & people on both sides. I use canvas covered rope or rawhide nowadays, but I've seen folks use bare wood that was treated with epoxy, or rounded metal channeling. Even an aspie like me gets that this is about spirit rather than law.

From the West Kingdom Armored Combat Rules:
"Shields shall be edged with leather, padding, or other covering or constructed in such a way as to minimize damage to rattan weapons or other fighters."
"No bolts, wires, or other objects may project more than 3/8 inch (9mm) from any part of a shield without being padded. Rounded shield bosses are not considered to be projections, handles, or other forms of hand protection are not included in this category."

Sir Gerard de Rodes:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-03-01, 18:46:45 ---You don't need hose for the edging. That comes from folks choosing convenience over looks. It's just a safety rule to preserve equipment & people on both sides. I use canvas covered rope or rawhide nowadays, but I've seen folks use bare wood that was treated with epoxy, or rounded metal channeling. Even an aspie like me gets that this is about spirit rather than law.

From the West Kingdom Armored Combat Rules:
"Shields shall be edged with leather, padding, or other covering or constructed in such a way as to minimize damage to rattan weapons or other fighters."
"No bolts, wires, or other objects may project more than 3/8 inch (9mm) from any part of a shield without being padded. Rounded shield bosses are not considered to be projections, handles, or other forms of hand protection are not included in this category."

--- End quote ---

Agreed, hide is the way to go authentically, and will make you shield last a whole lot longer in combat.


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