Main > The Armoury

Maille gloves

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Sir Ulrich:
Yup, peened it tighter and it works like a charm, now I can make riveted maille again. Oddly I enjoy doing it despite it being extremely repetitive it relaxes me and the satisfying "crunch" of the rivet being set is nice too. Almost like cracking your knuckles in a way. Actually quite glad it's easier to peen rivets than I thought, I was squeezing too hard and thats what was causing both my hands to hurt and the rivets to S shape. Satisfying to actually make something for a change rather than buy it.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2012-01-11, 00:10:02 ---Satisfying to actually make something for a change rather than buy it.

--- End quote ---

Definitely! Congrats on getting them working.

Sir William:
I dunno...I like buying stuff.  lol

Sir Brian:
You are REALLY tempting me Ulrich to buy that tool and try my hand at rivetting my shirt when/if I get time to tailor it this winter. :)

Sir William:
Sir Brian, go ahead...DO IT.  You know you want you can post pics as to progress and give us something to look forward to in the winter!  ;)


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