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Maille gloves

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Sir Ulrich:
Well considering my father works at PSEG he managed to get a bunch of uninsulated veg tanned leather gloves, a whole bag that actually fits me quite well. Now my idea is to sew some maille to it after dying them a different color that will cover up the PSEG signs on it. Just dont know what kind of needle i'd need to sew it to the gloves, as you can see I already started working on making some maille for them, just not used to working with flat ring maille so all the bigger pieces I tried to make failed >_>. Still doesnt stop me from trying harder though.

Sir Brian:
Get a set of these!,default,pd.html?cgid=products-generalcrafts-leathercrafting&start=2

You're going to want some kind of fingertip protection as well. Awls are great for making the initial hole in the leather. ;)

Allan Senefelder:
Those are the exact same ones i've used for years. If you can't find a leather awel an ice pick works as well ( i've been using an old CocaCola one for a long time. A marker to mark out where you want to punch your needle holes is helfull ( if you go with a black dye Sharpie makes a silver marker that I use all the time for black leather marking ).

Sir Ulrich:
Fingertip protection? Do you mean plate? Or just leather, if it's plate I don't have the resources to make any most I can do is maille as thats all I have resources for. I guess I'll head over to Michaels tomorrow and see what they got for leather working tools. Probably going to dye them black considering thats the only color thats going to go over the blue PSEG sign.

He might mean fingertip protection when working with a leather needle.  I had to repair my motorcycle gloves (poor stitching) and a the dull end of the needle can easily poke you just as bad as the pointy end.


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