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Maille gloves

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Sir James A:
I'm going to take a guess and say that your rings are mis-aligned when you're trying to clamp the rivet. Open the rings "up and down" as carefully as you can, and when you have it woven, use the pliers to "close" the ring overlap before setting the rivet. If the ring is putting tension on the rivet, it can set crooked like that when squeezed; my first couple did. The rivets are TINY so it takes almost immeasurably small amounts of pressure to tweak them out of alignment.

If that's not the case, open the pliers, close them slowly, and make sure the "dimples" for the rivet line up. If they don't, the pliers are out of alignment (and easy to adjust). If they do line up, just work on closing the links more before riveting - this would be my guess.

My hat's off to Allan for setting them by hand; I'd be driven to the pits of madness and despair trying to pein those tiny rivets!

Allan Senefelder:
James, gorget tracking number 031116600000150101004.

Sir Ulrich:
The riveting tool is a bit loose and bends to the side when I press it downward. Is there any way to fix this? Do I gotta peen it with a hammer so it lines up properly? I may be pressing too hard on the tool but i'm unsure because when I press lightly it bends as well. Thankfully the jaws of it aren't broken like the other tool and I believe this is probably fixable if I re align it.

Well I managed to rivet some of them a lot easier without the S shape by not pressing as hard... I was apparently pressing too hard, still gotta take time to align the heads of the tool though. I have to align them before i rivet though which is a pain. Any way to align the tool so it's tighter rather than looser though? Like peening it so it wont move to the side. I mean I can still peen rivets but pulling one of the handles so they align perfectly is a bit annoying, can't do it mindlessly like I used to make butted maille. Anyway thanks for telling me about riveting "too hard" I apparently was squeezing too hard when I was riveting them, now I can manage.
Nevermind, my father took an anvil and peened the tool to be tighter. Now I have no problem making riveted maille at all. Thanks for the help now I know how to peen rivets properly.

Allan Senefelder:
The tongs appear to have a rivet to create the fulcrum so if you have anything anvil like you can pien it to tighten it. You won't want to wail away as you can over pien and make them to tight to work well. Pien a bit, test the movement, pien again and test till the desired tightness is reached.

Sir James A:
Allan, thanks for the tracking info.

Sir Ulrich, glad you got them working. With hand-made tools sometimes they need a little tweaking to set just right. Heck, even with robot-made tools it needs it sometimes. I found out my jigsaw blade is at about 2-3* off vertical when set to the factory 0* when I finally took a square to it to find out why I couldn't cut a straight line with a ruler... such is the toil of hands-on tasks, but the feeling of accomplishment is usually worth it.


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