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What would you have been in the medieval age?

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Sir Wolf:
worm food? hehehhe

i would have to say I'd be in the military. I'm a decent builder and tradesman though so at least I could build myself a hut if needed be :)

Sir William:
Being multi-ethnic, I probably would not have been born back then.  LOL  All kidding aside, most likely a serf or slave, working someone else's land for the sustenance of me and mine until conscription and absorption by the armies of the time and given a small pension of land upon retirement to work.  If I survived the conflict, that is.

Lord Dane:
Absolutely would have been a "Sovereign Lord" as I would use & abuse my vast knowledge to my own advantage to rampage & spread my tyrannical oppression across the realm. Defeating all who dare defy me with the most heinous methods of torture. Defiling all women of their honor by any forceful means of seduction in order to satisfy my lustful needs ensuring I have a land of bastard children with them all.  :P 

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Lord_Dane on 2012-09-09, 10:49:53 ---Absolutely would have been a "Sovereign Lord" as I would use & abuse my vast knowledge to my own advantage to rampage & spread my tyrannical oppression across the realm. Defeating all who dare defy me with the most heinous methods of torture. Defiling all women of their honor by any forceful means of seduction in order to satisfy my lustful needs ensuring I have a land of bastard children with them all.  :P

--- End quote ---

Uhm, yikes?

Sir Sorbus:
Frustratingly, given some thought, I could be any number of things. It's probably easier to list some categories I'd have to fit under, and see what is left over as a common denominator.

Independant - I'm not one for the military, or to eagerly bow to orders.
Stealthy - I'm not really a brute force kind of guy.
Secretive - My intentions are my own, and it's far easier to listen in on things if people don't know you have a predetermined opinion on things.

My thought, from this, would be a bard/vagabond/rogue/mercenary type of thing.
Vagabond/Bard: I prefer not to work FOR anyone if I can help it, as it puts high levels of limitations on what one can and can't do. That being said, I do need a dayjob, and music back then was well-valued. I'm a singer, ocarinist and guitarist in life, so I'd probably be the stereotypical vocal/lute combo. I'd travel a lot, and I love to tell stories - and where else but your local tavern to exchange music/stories, and listen in on rumours.
Rogue: I don't generally tell people my intentions, and have a tendency to eavesdrop - though never on personal things, or things people would specifically not want me to hear. I tune those out. I personally can pick pockets, pick locks, move silently/hide, and I'm more of a sneaky rapier kind of guy (being an epeeist) than a long-sword head chopper.
Mercenary: Well, not really being just a thug, I'd be more like the A-Team/Leverage type deal, choosing the jobs that I agree with morally. Why else would I avoid working for someone other than to do things on my own terms?

So my thoughts are that I'd be a secretive vigilante type. Yes, I'd be batman. :P


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