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What would you have been in the medieval age?

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Sword Chick:
A little bit later time period for most of you, but Tycho Brahe was a geek (astronomer and mathematician) and a swordsman.  Though not necessarily good at the latter.  He famously lost his nose in a rapier duel.  He was a pretty darn good astronomer for his time and Johannes Kepler was his assistant.

Sir Brian:
As I reflect upon my professional accomplishments and failures in these modern times working as an
employee of the federal government, I think I am highly qualified to have been a very successful
village idiot!  :D

Seriously I would most likely have been a common militiaman which would mean I would of had a very
short life span being the designated fodder for knights\archers\boiling oil\starvation\diseases... :-\

Sir Ancelyn:
Again, I have to agree with the group. Statistically I would have been a peasant farmer; possibly a skilled tradesman or a monk.
Being a knight is possible, though unlikely since most of my ancestors were outside the aristocracy.

Casey D:
i most likely would have been a Karl (free man) in norway. i'd have apprenticed as a bladesmith and most probably an armorer, mostly because that's what i do for fun now. i'd have gone iviking with the other Karls because i'm the second born and can't have inherited a large estate without it. swordsmanship and spear-fighting have always come naturally to me, and i hope they would have then, too. i can't see myself not rising to a landholder or farmer position unless i got killed iviking.

which probably would have happened, because my eyesight is terrible and i would have pissed off just about everyone. haha

My wife would definitely have been a blacksmith, if the whole woman thing didn't get in the way.  She's a metallurgist now and you just say the word "Steel" and she starts to drool.  She even entertained the idea of joining the blacksmithing group in Arlington, VA.  As for myself, I'd probably end up a farmer or something knowing my luck.  Given my complexion and the lack of sunscreen back then, I'd probably die of skin cancer at a young age.


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