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What would you have been in the medieval age?

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Sword Chick:

--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2008-12-18, 16:52:50 ---Its not exactly the most romantic life, but somehow I think it would suit me.

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And not all that different from what you are doing now.   ;)

Being the very physical young man that I was, I would have had to belonged to some sort of
"common militia" if you will, or something close on those lines. As we've all pointed out, our
class upbringing would certainly have a lot to do with it, but so would the actual geography
of where we were.

 Strange how no one as yet on the forum sees themselves forging blades...Hmmmm..... ;)
Actually, I'd probably be involved with some form of leatherwork and or tanning and curing.
I enjoy working with leather now, and it still has so many facets and qualities that are
fascinating. :)

Sir Edward:

Oh, I could easily see myself as a bladesmith, or as a cutler. I'm very hands-on, and probably would have done well in a trade, training up as an apprentice. Crafting the weapons for others to use might have been right up my alley, if I weren't the one using them myself. :)

Das Bill:

--- Quote from: Dragonlover on 2008-12-18, 23:44:47 --- Strange how no one as yet on the forum sees themselves forging blades...Hmmmm..... ;)
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Heh... for me its probably because I've done just enough bladesmithing to know that I don't ever want to do it on a large scale. :)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2008-12-19, 03:13:52 ---
Heh... for me its probably because I've done just enough bladesmithing to know that I don't ever want to do it on a large scale. :)

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Haha, good point. But then, most of the things that would have been done in period would seem highly tedious or repetitive compared to what we're used to today. The line of work I think I would not want to do, from having done it myself, is making mail. Doing that all the time would be pretty unpleasant, I think.


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