Main > The Great Hall

Greetings good sirs!

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Sir Brian:
Hey let me know as well! I’m only a couple hours away myself and I maybe able to join you bold knights in this venture! Besides I might be able to convince my Fae wife to join us and we could then employ a new tactic I’ve been developing that I call….Air Support!  :D

Sir James A:
Indeed, Air Support will make the tactics much easier. :D

Berkeley Springs castle isn't open to the public, as it's a private residence, this past Dec was the first time he made part of it publicly open, aside from the annual High Tea fundraiser for the local musuem. However, Dupont Castle is near there, and the owners seem very gracious with visitors ( - I've been meaning to take a trip out there since earlier this yet, but many mundane things have taken my time and energy and I've not yet made the trip. Soon, I hope!

Yeah, I was fuming when that curmudgeon closed it down! He bloody lives in Florida! Why should he care!?!?!?!

Anyway.....I might have connections to Dupont castle. I am acquainted with an engineer that knows the guy personally.....* Scheming...plotting....scheming...plotting....*

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-04-02, 20:07:52 ---Yeah, I was fuming when that curmudgeon closed it down! He bloody lives in Florida! Why should he care!?!?!?!

Anyway.....I might have connections to Dupont castle. I am acquainted with an engineer that knows the guy personally.....* Scheming...plotting....scheming...plotting....*

--- End quote ---

The current owner of the castle used to live in Florida. He lives there year-round now as his private residence, and I bet it would get tiresome having to have a tour staff in your house (paid for by yourself) and also not being able to wander to the kitchen in your underwear for something to drink without going past visitors. I understand where he's coming from. :)

I've spoke with Mr Dupont a few times. He and his wife are more than accommodating to visitors, and now that the weather is better, I plan to get out there before May. If we want to make a group trip, I'd be happy to arrange it. I had a thread discussing doing so ~6 months ago. ;)

Sir William:
Let's make a day of it! 


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