Main > The Great Hall

Greetings good sirs!

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Robert Hinds:
Hello to all on this forum! I was very surprised to find a forum dedicated to chivalry in these dark times.  :)

My name's just to the left actually.  ;D A few of you might recognize me from where I post sometimes and lurk alot. I'm a strong beleiver in chivalry and the knightly arts and I'm currently in the process of assembling a 15thC billman kit, and hopefully a 15thC Man-at-arms kit in the future. Also planning on getting into WMA this spring.  :)

I'm younger than most people in this hobby and have only been obsessed with it (I was only extremely interested before) for a couple of years now, so I have alot of questions but hopefully I'll be able to contribute a lot to this forum as I continue to read about my favorate time period.  :)

Just thought I'd post this before I begin to lurk the forum and randomly make forays into topics.

Pleased to be a member of your forum.  :)

Sir Edward:

Welcome to the forum!!

Sir Ulrich:
Welcome to our site.

Sir Rodney:
From one recent new member to another:

Welcome and Well Met!   :)

Sir Patrick:
Greetings, good sir!  Welcome to the forum!


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