Main > The Great Hall

Greetings good sirs!

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Yeah, I think knighthood is what we as a culture really need nowadays.

And Robert, as you will be getting a steady income years before me, I'm sure you will have plenty of time to turn the tables on me.  ;)

Sir James A:
Hail and Well Met, Robert.

Sir Edward, I agree, the electronic era is a bit of a mixed bag - easy to get distracted, yet far easier to research and connect with like-minded individuals, and a very broad market for the armor makers, which I think has led a lot to the enhanced kits that we're able to assemble. About 15 years ago when I tried my hand at armoring, I had 6 or 7 books with modern-day illustrations and a VHS tape from Valentine Armories that showed a little bit of working with a forge and other tools I don't have access to. And no one local with any interest in any of it. I've learned more in the last 3 years than I did the first 20.

Sir James, I note that your profile states that you are from West Virginia.
I also am from the Panhandle area, is as Sir Wolf. We need to gather to lay siege to that bloody Berkeley Springs castle that has been laughing at me for the past few years.... ;D

Sir Ancelyn:
Pick a day and we can all descend upon the castle.  A 3 hour trip is not bad on a weekend. And I've been meaning to visit for the last 2 years.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-03-24, 02:08:35 ---Sir James, I note that your profile states that you are from West Virginia.
I also am from the Panhandle area, is as Sir Wolf. We need to gather to lay siege to that bloody Berkeley Springs castle that has been laughing at me for the past few years.... ;D

--- End quote ---

I was just out there a few months ago (, but was unsuccessful in the capture attempt. Next time, armor and siege weaponry will be involved, and I hope for a different outcome. :D


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