Main > The Great Hall

Greetings good sirs!

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Sir Rodney:
Darn whipper-snappers with better kits than I had in my 30's...

Now where did I put my glasses?


Robert Hinds:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-02-09, 01:28:58 ---Ah Robert good to see you!
Haha, you might be younger than MOST, but I still think I hold the award for being the youngest on the forums!  ;D
Your 18 or 19, right?
And keep going with those kits, once it's together, it's awesome.
Good Luck and Cheers!  :)

--- End quote ---

Hey Nathan, good to see you too.  :)
lol yea I'll be 19 on the 17th. From what I remember your 15 or 16 so I made sure to include "most" when I typed that.  You're putting me to shame! You've got 2 kits already and my first isn't even done! Oh well, I'm catching up, I'll be ordering my soft kit in the next few weeks.  8)  ;D
Good luck and cheers to you too! :)

To everyone: Thank you for all the warm welcomes!   :)

And lol @ Rodney.  ;D

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Rodney on 2011-02-09, 04:01:04 ---Darn whipper-snappers with better kits than I had in my 30's...

Now where did I put my glasses?


--- End quote ---

Kinda warms the heart tho, doesn't it?  I mean, at their age I was into cars and girls...well wait, that's not coming out right; what I meant to say was that I wish I'd had guys like us to sorta point me in the right direction.  I seriously lost a great deal of time on a pursuit that has know...called to me.

Sir Edward:
Actually, I think it's awesome how many younger guys are starting to get into this. In this day of electronic distractions, I've been worried about how well our hobby will continue, but boy, it's really picking up steam these days. When I was 16, you couldn't get most of the stuff we have available now (that was 22 years ago). At that age, I had a few swords, but most of the good stuff didn't exist yet (such as Albion, and even the newer Hanwei stuff). Off-the-shelf armor was unheard of. You made it yourself or spent $20,000 on a custom set.

This stuff is exploding in popularity and availability. Anyone just starting out has a distinct advantage over those of us who started without all this cool stuff available to us. :)

Sir William:
I think I was saying that w/out actually doing IS awesome that there's been a resurgence of interest in all things medieval but especially knighthood.  We're the same age and my experience was the same...anything I wanted was just not to be had, beyond cheap display crap.  Of course, life happened rather swiftly so my attentions turned elsewhere...but I never forgot.

I think it restarted for me when I went to the Patapsco Flea Market outside B'more and walked into one of those sword/knife shops and it was like someone stuck smelling salts under my nose.  All of a sudden, it came flooding back as if it'd been dammed for the previous decade (which it pretty much had) and I was all in.  Again.


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