Ten views and no takers. Okay, I'll go first. I'm hard-pressed to find a good example of honor today. I'm not saying they aren't out there, they just aren't high profile enough to hit the radar. As far as historical examples, I'll offer up the Roman Cincinnatus. During a time of crisis, Cincinnatus was asked by the Roman Republic to take on the roll of dictator and commander of the army. Sixteen days later, after having routed the republic's enemies and with the army still flush with the victory, Cincinnatus returned power back to the senate and went back to his estate. Could you see any modern leader thrust into the role of military dictator ceeding power so willingly?
Sir Edward asks how honor fits into our code of chivalry, and I submit this: If Truth is the bones of chivalry and Humility the sinew that hold it together (as Sir Brian so eliquantly put it), Honor is the muscle that sets it in motion. Honor is
active, it about how one carries himself through the various episodes of his life. A person can be honest, and humble, but not necessarilly
be honorable. There may be a dozen "Truths" to a situation, but the honorable man knows there is only one that is in the spirit of chivalry and acts accordingly--regardless of who is watching, the difficulty involved, or the results to himself.
The modern world tends to relegate Honor to a "different time" because deep down, it is inconvenient, or is viewed with suspicion. Honorable behavior is all to often a facade for acquiring power, or to use as spin control. It seems the more squeaky clean someone is nowadays, the darker the secrets they're hiding. We live in age of cynicism where people tend to behave as if the world is too messed up to change so they might as just go for theirs and damn anying else. Too often our only barometer of success is material wealth and status, and people who play by the rules are chumps to be taken advantage of. We've even killed the knight, reducing him down to a barbarous savage preying on the peasantry, adhering to a chivalric code simply to profit by way of ransom. What society fails to grasp, is honor--chivalry--is an ideal that can never be lived up to. It is a quest undertaken for the journey, not the destination. All who take the path will fall victim to close scrutiny and should not be derided for it. It is the setting out on the path and the small changes it makes in us that will ultimately make changes in the world.
Hope that didn't weird anyone out