Main > The Armoury

How to clean rust from armor

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Sir William:
Yea...straps are a problem.  One never thinks of armor failure in the areas of the straps and tie downs but they do happen.  I had one go on me right AT the damn faire...when I met you guys I wasn't wearing my MT greaves...probably just as well, I need to figure out a way to make it so that it doesn't dig into the top of my foot at the joint.  Those badboys are heavy.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, it's getting to be time for me to start picking up some riveting. I blew a rivet in a pauldron... it's the first real strapping failure I've had (and it wasn't the leather that broke).

Sir William:
Yea, for me, the strap popped right off...would've left it like that too but the greave's way too heavy to be bangin up against my leg w/every step.  Really like those ones too.

Sir Wolf:
straps are an easy fix. can u show me a picture of the issue at the bottom? and of the strap? i can prob tell you how to fix it. or if needs be i can fix it in the MDRF parking lot if i bring some supplies

Sir William:
I sure can man...I'll take some pics over the weekend; I took some already but can't find'm.  Allan was supposed to send me another strap since I lost the one that was on there, but he might've forgot.


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