Main > The Armoury

How to clean rust from armor

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Sir James A:
I got an awesome new way to clean light surface rust for Christmas that I used last weekend. A fiberglass pen. It's $6.99 at Radio Shack, and you can buy replacement tips.

It's designed for cleaning small circuits and such, but it works fantastically on armor. And it doesn't leave any markings that sandpaper would. Plus, it's nimble enough to work around rivits and some of the harder-to-reach spots.

Sir Edward:

How cool! I may have to pick one up and try it.

Sir Wolf:

oh, got your new armour stand up yet?

Sir Brian:
Excellent! I'll have to try that! :)

Sir Ulrich:
Perfect, now I know what to get to clean the rust off my helm.


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