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Trying to identify a show from the early 2000s - Making a Knight?

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Sir Brian:
I got mine yesterday! Thank you very much Sir James for making the DVD copy for me! I owe you a brew or two next we meet! ;)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2012-01-31, 17:19:49 ---I got mine yesterday! Thank you very much Sir James for making the DVD copy for me! I owe you a brew or two next we meet! ;)

--- End quote ---

Excellent! No brews necessary, I still owe you my part for Sir Nathan's spurs so perhaps we can call it even. :)

Sir Brian:
Sure but I'll drink a beer with you anyways! ;)

Sir Edward:
Mine got here too. A drink on me as well. You're going to be plastered by the end of the next faire day. :)

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-02-01, 03:49:33 ---Mine got here too. A drink on me as well. You're going to be plastered by the end of the next faire day. :)

--- End quote ---

Yep he sure will...oh and make sure to wear you new MT arms you've just acquired! ;)


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