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Trying to identify a show from the early 2000s - Making a Knight?

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Sir William:
Awesome man, thanks! 

Sir James (Fiat Lux):
Didn't think anything would ever come of this thread when I posted it! It's great to see the information on it - problem is, I can't find it anywhere! Any chance of the file being uploaded to Megaupload or some sharing site?

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir James on 2012-01-15, 07:34:43 ---Didn't think anything would ever come of this thread when I posted it! It's great to see the information on it - problem is, I can't find it anywhere! Any chance of the file being uploaded to Megaupload or some sharing site?

--- End quote ---

Never underestimate the power of somebody who keeps way more stuff for way longer than they should since it "might be used/watched later".

I still haven't picked up any blank DVDs, but I have the DVD image file ripped to my computer. PM me your address, and I'll send you one. I'm wary of the big "file sharing" sites, and my hosting provider has terms specifically against hosting it there and I don't want to risk having multiple sites of mine shut down. :)

Sir James A:
After a short battle with Debian and convincing it that there's actually a blank DVD in the drive, I got these made and sent them out this morning. I went with the cheapest shipping option "First Class" (ironic), since "Priority Mail" shipping would have been $8 per DVD. Eek! Hopefully they'll arrive in a week or two. :)

Leganoth, if you don't see it in a couple weeks, let me know; you didn't have a zip code with your address and the post office looked it up but said they didn't have one for that particular unit, but had one a similar number with the same address. Hopefully it was right, if not, I'll send another one.

Sir William:
Oh awesome, can't wait man!


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