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Mace Fighting

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Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2014-06-30, 23:47:12 ---Maces do not handle like a sword at all. They're quite heavy and most of the weight is concentrated in the tip. You actually use the weight to increase the force of the blow and it is devastating to say the least. I destroyed a water bottle to bits with my mace and it was with little effort. Also if your lower arm isnt big already regularly using a mace will make it much bigger as what happened to me. As a result my lower right arm is thicker than my left and it made my mace much lighter and swords feel even lighter in my hand. A basket hilt would totally change the way a mace handles and not make it work the right way it's supposed to. Edge alignment is much easier with a mace as you got 6 places you can do it with quite easily. It's actually an easy to use weapon just it requires a lot of strength training in your arm to use it without tiring easily, but once it's built up it's easy to use and brutally effective.

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Yes, After handling Sir Aidens Mace I can feel how effective it really is. I wonder if it would handle similar to war axe techniques. I wonder this because of the Surface area both have. Although One can grapple anothers shield with a war axe, and has one area in which you want to strike with, while a mace can hit with any side. Since it is a bludgeon weapon.

So here is my vid.

--- Quote ---On Maces & why they are not swords. Using a Dane axe to show the same motion & theory in a two handed weapon.

I'm using an old shield thats almost dead but is small enough to show what I'm talking about.
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Me Fiancee makes an appearance on the 2nd floor coming home from work about 1/2 way through.

And here is my Shield. Almost ready for prime time.

--- Quote ---New curved Center Grip Oval. left pic is me holding it where it needs to be held with the grip where it is. The right is where T.s. Morgan & a few other Knights recommend it be held (meaning I need to drill new hols & remount the handle).

I'm thinking remounting is where it's at. it is a test shield after all.
--- End quote ---

Pic of the back is available.

Very cool! Thank you, Thorsteinn!

Wow, quite a bit shorter than the sword used in this example. Looks to be roughly a foot from the head of the mace to the tip of the sword. Not that I mind getting up close, just very interesting to see the direct comparison like this.

Really can't wait to get that mace head in and start practicing with it! Doing a mock-auth tomorrow night, then (hopefully) authorizing on Saturday at a local event (Brawl at the Crooked Dragon if anyone else is going). Just going to stick with sword and board for the meantime, but this video is really helpful!

Will continue to pester with questions as they come up. Thanks again for your patience and your help!

No prob. I've planned on doing a series of vids on WMA for the web series but I've slacked. So I just decided "Ah, F**k it" and added the vid to my youtube channel under SCA &HEMA.

Lord Chagatai:
I don't always fight mace as a matter of fact not much at all. My best fighting with it though was Mace and shield...although Mace Florentine is pretty fun...and can crush your opponent if you get in there right....

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