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Mace Fighting

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Alright, first actual topic started on here!

So, I'm likely going to be authorizing on July 5th (Brawl of the Crooked Dragon? Something along those lines). I've been working exclusively sword and board for practice, and one of the local knights think's I'm ready to give it a go and properly authorize to fight. Don't get me wrong, sword and shield is fine, but I really haven't seen a lot of mace and shield fighters apart from the video in the 'Defend your Crotch!' thread.

As a background, I'm already a naturally big guy (6'2'', 300lbs, though I don't look it weight-wise), and let's face it, I'm totally up for using what I've naturally got to my advantage. If I recall reading correctly, a mace counts as a 'mass weapon,' which gives a bit wider of a kill range for blows to land (for example, a hit to the hip joint is a kill, rather than costing the opponent a leg).

Resources from what I've been looking into have been rather scarce on that front, however.
What I've found floating around online:

Any insight from the SCAdians/WMA practitioners on site regarding training and fighting with a mace and shield?

I've got a lovely bit of experience with one, and it's my favorite war weapon to use with a shield. You do have to let it find the openings & not force the issue. You tend to fight more in circles than straight lines & like axes and great weapons it counts as a Mass Weapon thus allowing hip & shoulder kills. The two best one handed mace heads easily found for SCA use are the ones sold by Icefalcon and a Kong Medium Hexagonal dog toy.

Do you have any specific questions?

Sir Nate:
Are shield and mace tactics and foot work basically the same as sword?
I know sword has more slicing, but I'm wondering what kinds of things are done differently.

Nathan, they are very different.

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2014-06-21, 02:00:24 ---Nathan, they are very different.

--- End quote ---

That is why I asked ;)
I suppose I'll have to make a Pinterest now.
But glad to hear they are not "kinda different"


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