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Mace Fighting

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If you want, I could easily do a video on what I know. It's a thing much easier to show then tell.

That would be absolutely fantastic if you wouldn't mind doing a video, Thorsteinn! Just got some rattan, ordering up the Kong dog toy to give that a try.

One other question, if I may: Would you suggest doing a full gauntlet with a mace, or do you prefer demis and a basket hilt?

Lord Dane:
I prefer demi gauntlets myself with one handed weapons; full gauntlets with two handed. Primarily when I use a shield in conjunction and like finger free motion for better grip. 

Full gauntlets. Basket hilts on maces & axes look silly, and change an essential nature of the weapon.

I should have the video up later tonight.

Sir Ulrich:
Maces do not handle like a sword at all. They're quite heavy and most of the weight is concentrated in the tip. You actually use the weight to increase the force of the blow and it is devastating to say the least. I destroyed a water bottle to bits with my mace and it was with little effort. Also if your lower arm isnt big already regularly using a mace will make it much bigger as what happened to me. As a result my lower right arm is thicker than my left and it made my mace much lighter and swords feel even lighter in my hand. A basket hilt would totally change the way a mace handles and not make it work the right way it's supposed to. Edge alignment is much easier with a mace as you got 6 places you can do it with quite easily. It's actually an easy to use weapon just it requires a lot of strength training in your arm to use it without tiring easily, but once it's built up it's easy to use and brutally effective.


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