I'm assuming he's coming in prior to everything starting or very early on? If so, I should be armored up by then, and you guys could be in blossfechten gear w/swords and such? Joint escort sort of thing?
I'm thinking if we have time, and you guys are up for it, we could do a two-part show. Blossfechten before dinner, have dinner and time to cool down, then after dinner, do a presentation on armoring up. That'll get you guys in armor, keep entertaining people, and Chuck and I can help w/that and talk while getting ready. Then after that, you guys can do the harnessfechten demo.
I'm just not feeling up for combat.
It'll be 5 days until we leave for Days of Knights; I've got stuff I'm still building, tweaks to make on my armor, and some clothing repair too. I don't want to risk injury right before the event, both from a cost and "get things finished" perspective.