Main > The Armoury

Albion Ritter

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Sir Ulrich:
The more I handle it the more I get used to the grip so that problems pretty much gone. My guess is the handles were dry and the oils in my hand sorta makes the leather smoother or something, or it's just getting used to the feel. The blade is quite massive and I swung it around a bit outside with dry handling and it's quite imposing, feels a bit more of a heavy hitter than the Reeve does, I could easily use a weapon like this on horseback. My guess would be the Reeve is a foot soldier's sword cause it's about the same length as a viking sword. There was a difference between foot solder's swords and horseman's swords. I do like the flat guard more than I do the round one for some reason cause it has a bit of a beefier look. If it looked like the Templar's guard with the Ritter's pommel that would pretty much be the perfect sword for me at this moment, though I aint complaining I just think a beefy crossguard would make it a bit more imposing like the St Maurice Albion sword, which it's almost the same size as that one, off by about an inch, though the St Maurice one has a thicker wider blade like the Reeve.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2014-04-15, 00:15:00 ---Only complaint I have is the grips a bit rough and abrasive maybe I need gloves to use this one unlike my Reeve.

--- End quote ---

You might find that using gloves works really well anyway. For those of us that do a lot of swordsmanship, just from the safety perspective, we're usually wearing gloves, and so for a consistent feel, it's useful to still wear them even when doing test-cutting and the like. So I've found that the smoothness or roughness of the grip really isn't that big of a deal, as long as it isn't so slippery that a leather glove has problems with gripping it (which I would think to be pretty rare).

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2014-04-15, 08:50:59 ---though I aint complaining I just think a beefy crossguard would make it a bit more imposing like the St Maurice Albion sword, which it's almost the same size as that one, off by about an inch, though the St Maurice one has a thicker wider blade like the Reeve.

--- End quote ---

The St. Maurice is also extremely blade heavy. Since it's based on a specific museum piece, they replicated the weight and feel pretty precisely, and that one feels more axe-like. Albion usually tries to capture the "best" handling characteristics of each class of swords, but the originals fell into a full spectrum. The St. Maurice just happens to have a heavier feel. (It's still just under 3 pounds, but the center of gravity is at the 9" mark)

Don Jorge:
Man I want a nice sword...must buy armor...must build soft kit...weapons come later....

Sir Nate:
Wonderful looking sword.

Sir James A:
I was talking to Dr Metz about it and said I would take it if you passed on it. Congrats!


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