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Albion Ritter

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Sir Ulrich:
Well Joe Metz was selling an Albion Ritter for a good price, once I had the money I decided to buy this as I wanted this one Del Tin but it was 420 dollars, for 525 I got the Ritter instead, might as well of done that because Albion is top Quality. Honestly I like this sword a lot, it's much less wide than the Reeve but it's about the same weight. Maybe it's a bit heavier due to being longer. This thing is MASSIVE, obviously a horseman's sword.

It has a flat crossguard but I aint complaining cause I have seen examples like this with that and I prefer the flat crossguard to the round one. Makes it a bit more unique anyway. Only complaint I have is the grips a bit rough and abrasive maybe I need gloves to use this one unlike my Reeve. Still need a scabbard thinking a bit on what I want there. Maybe I will go to Ron Johnson again as his prices were fine and I really liked the fact it was lined with wool to keep it from rusting in storage. Plan to use this with my Teutonic outfit and my Reeve with my heraldic outfit.

Nice acquisition!  Congrats!

Sir Rodney:
What a great price for a high quality weapon!

I’ve never seen this particular piece in person and thus never realized its massive presence.  You’re “sword in hand” photograph really helps put it all into perspective.   8)

Mike W.:
That's the same price he sold his Senlac to me for. It's quite opportunistic as Albions rarely hit the market, and even more rarely for that low a price.

That blade is enormous. A true Type XI example indeed!

Its stats say it's surprisingly light despite its rather massive-looking blade. (2.57 pounds)


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