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My Armor kit - Historical Fiction?

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Sir Edward:

It really is a beautiful kit. I love it to death.

I would classify it as "historically-inspired fiction", personally. It looks very well designed, and well articulated, but as Wolf pointed out, it's mainly the style and fashion of the period that is not represented.

As everyone else pointed out, don't take that as a bad thing at all. It's a great harness!

But this is a great example of why I aimed to go more "simple" when I went to DoK. The harness I put together in preparation for that, was my circa-1250 Teutonic kit:

I've attached some images of various plate armors from the 15th/16th century time-frame. I hose these pretty much at random, but as some examples of period fashion trends.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2014-02-11, 14:03:44 ---WOW! That is a really fantastic harness! Truly a pity it isn’t suitable for all your interests but it is an excellent harness for a majority of your interests and yet it not being entirely compatible for LH it does leave you an opportunity to expand your armor collection and represent another time period!  :)

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Perhaps no shock, but I'll echo that "two sets of armor" idea. 8)

As Sir Wolf said, the main thing with the cuirass is it is "inverted", under/over instead of over/under. I would call it "historically influenced". The arms are close, the elbow cops are close except should "flare out" towards the elbow in more of a "V". The knee cops don't strike me as historical though they may be based off of an uncommon example. There are lots of other odds and ends that put it "historically based" rather than "historical reproduction". I would say don't try to adapt it to Living History.

You'd essentially be looking at replacement of most plate parts. Spread it out over time, and it isn't too bad. If you are planning for Days of Knights, do "soft kit" this year and plan for "hard kit" in 2015. Buy something every 4 months; cuirass, arms, legs, helmet, gauntlets... that's 20 months and falls right about Oct next year, in time for DoK, if that is a reasonable timeframe for your budget.

And I say two harnesses because it is a great harness already. It is suitable for many purposes, and you would be essentially ruining a perfectly good harness to try to "convert" it to Living History - beyond that, it may be almost as expensive, or more, to do so, and you end up with only one harness still. You already have the requisite arming clothes and sword.

Sir William:
Gareyth, you cut a fine figure in that harness, my friend.  I love the look.

Sir Douglas:
It might not be historical, but I really like that harness. I don't see too many "fictional" harnesses that I can say that about. It's something I could imagine the knights of Dol Amroth from LotR wearing. I'm going to go the classic "Sir James route" and say work on a separate, historical kit if you can. ;) It would probably be just about as expensive to convert that one, and it would be a shame to try to convert it and end up with something that's neither historical nor looks as nice as it does now.

But yes, definitely hold on to that one, because it's just so darn cool!

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-02-12, 00:53:38 ---But yes, definitely hold on to that one, because it's just so darn cool!

--- End quote ---

Absolutely. I think it's downright gorgeous.


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