Days of Knights III is only three months away. It will really be here before you know it! Now is the time to start solidifying plans if you intend to be there. I don't know who's planning on going and how you plan on camping etc, but now is certainly the time to start getting smart on all the logistics and planning.
For those that will be new to DoK and you want to camp in the timeline, the typical layout is in chronological order. If I recall correctly from DoK 1 and 2 the major chronological groupings were Vikings/Saxons, Normans, Crusaders, Hundred Years War era, Wars of the Roses era, and Landsknecht era. That is not to say you're impression needs to fit in to one of those cultures or specific groups, it's just a convenient way to break up the timeline.
Modern camping stuff is allowed as long as it's completely out of the public view during public hours. The last time DoK was held in Frankfort there was a designated area for modern tents if you want to go that way. There are also plenty of local accommodations available in Frankfort near the site if you don't want to camp at all.
I'd like to field any questions newcomers have about the event that they want to get cleared up before you're out of time, so please ask. DoK is a great event for newcomers to Living History who may have dabbled in other things medieval that want to try the historical approach to impressions. It's not super strict like some groups, but obviously you will be expected to show up with a certain level of historical knowledge and your kit should be within DoK standards ( Many people just do soft-kit impressions (another excellent way to get started in LH without the financial commitment of a hard-kit). Again, please, if anyone has questions and wants to go, ask away before it's too late!