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A Knight's Tale

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It's pure mind candy. I love that flick. :)

On a side note: The love interest in the flick went to High School in my town. I have friends that were in her class. Said she was kinda stuck up.

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2013-12-24, 00:01:59 ---You mean they didn't have David Bowie in the Middle Ages? I call shenanigans! Bowie is timeless. Really, though, if you want to get technical, the sweeping orchestral soundtrack you hear in most medieval-esque movies isn't accurate, either. ;)

I thought it was a rather fun movie. One of my favorites. I wouldn't put too much stock in the historicalness of it, but it has good entertainment value. The real Ulrich was an Austrian/German ministerialis who, like you mentioned, was around at a much earlier time. I always just kind of assumed William had heard the name somewhere before and just decided to take it up as his own for the tournaments. At least, that's the story I always went with. So it's not so much an account of Ulrich von Liechtenstein's achievements as it is of William Thatcher's achievements.

Also, I think at that time "Jocelyn" was still predominantly a masculine name, so I always kind of giggle a little at that. Guess it's along the lines of a boy named Sue. ;)

--- End quote ---

It is A fun movie, I love the soundtrack. (I like the part when there in london and it plays the boys are back in town)
I always Thought that He took the name from the same place he got his first set of armor. He saw the Grave reading, sir Ulrich von lichtenstein, opens it up and gets some old armor.

Aiden of Oreland:
Why did he hit on the princess and not her assistant? Or the black smith? I found both more attractive. Think about it, he would have won more, and wouldn't have lost "in the name of love". Also the Whole david bowie Labyrinth thing with the princess at the beginning of the movie was intersting. When he first sees her. I still enjoy the movie nevertheless.

Sir James A:
Boys Are Back in Town = Thin Lizzy song

The armor is from Sir Ector, the knight who is jousting in the very beginning and then shites himself to death in between rounds.

Aiden of Oreland:
The sad thing is, every time I turn on that movie I always just happen to turn it on to the seen where they meet the guy nude. EVERY TIME!


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