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A Knight's Tale

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Sir Nate:
Sir Ulrich Von Lichtenstein
Does A Knights Tale portray Sir Ulrich Well?
Considering He was a real knight with a love story involving letters and jousting, Did Movie do A good job At that at least?
I think it did.
Even though the Time period when ulrich would have lived is wrong, and The music Although old, Is inaccurate as well.
And Im sure there are Other Inaccuracy's that are to be mentioned.

I enjoy this movie and I think It does show what tournament life would have been like during that century.

P.s. The love scene in it can easily be switched or voiced over by some of Jokers lines from the Dark Knight. Hahaha.

Sir Douglas:
You mean they didn't have David Bowie in the Middle Ages? I call shenanigans! Bowie is timeless. Really, though, if you want to get technical, the sweeping orchestral soundtrack you hear in most medieval-esque movies isn't accurate, either. ;)

I thought it was a rather fun movie. One of my favorites. I wouldn't put too much stock in the historicalness of it, but it has good entertainment value. The real Ulrich was an Austrian/German ministerialis who, like you mentioned, was around at a much earlier time. I always just kind of assumed William had heard the name somewhere before and just decided to take it up as his own for the tournaments. At least, that's the story I always went with. So it's not so much an account of Ulrich von Liechtenstein's achievements as it is of William Thatcher's achievements.

Also, I think at that time "Jocelyn" was still predominantly a masculine name, so I always kind of giggle a little at that. Guess it's along the lines of a boy named Sue. ;)

Remember in the movie that 'Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein' is just the name he 'invented' for himself to sound noble.  I think they just randomly picked the name of an actual historic figure that sounded cool.  It has nothing to do with the actual Ulrich von Lichtenstein.  There are a couple historical facts in the movie.  There was indeed a Battle of Poitiers in the 14th century, Edward of Woodstock, the Black Prince (although he wasn't known as that until well after his death) was the prince of England at the time, and knights did indeed ride horses and joust!  Other than that, nothing in this movie is remotely historic.  That being said, I love this movie and watch it every time I see it on TV and I totally dig the sound track! 

Sir James A:
If I remember right there's some info on the historical Von Lichtenstein in the "Knight of the Week" thread on here.

Sir Ian covered it well.

A Knight's Tale is one of my favorite movies; historically flawed by far, but it's "jedi on a t-rex fighting a knight riding godzilla" fun.

Don Jorge:
I own my DVD and my wife's DVD and kept both incase one breaks. I love it that much!!!

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