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Sir Rodney:
I enjoy the escape mostly.  The persona thing is fun since our group is a bunch of mercenaries for hire, even though we never accept any real compensation for a contract.  It's all in fun.

It's never really possible to seperate your persona from the real you, whether a knight or not.  If you're a prick in real life, you're a prick in persona.

The vast majority of SCA injuries I've seen have occured at major events.  Hundreds of (non-too-thin and usually hung over) weekend warriors clashing for hours and hours on rough terrain under the glaring sun takes its toll. Yes, there's always a rhino or two and there's always a whiner or two, but most have a GREAT time.  (The parties tend to get out of hand as well)   

Sir William:
I've yet to witness an SCA event...on my list of things to do.

Sir Edward:

If you get the chance, Pennsic is an event unlike any other. Typical attendance is over 10k, sometimes as high as 14k. There's classes, shopping, combat, archery, parties, and more. The shopping alone typically takes us about 2 days when we go.

Sir William:
That's the one, Sir Edward, Pennsic.  One of the SBG forumites was telling me about it- he goes for the entire affair, sets up camp and everything.  I imagine he's not the only one, just the only one I know.  Does everyone on here attend?

My wife's ADD wouldn't stand a chance but I'd love to go.


--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-02-24, 01:40:14 ---Wow Ivan, that's an impressive injury list. I'm surprised at those HEMA injuries; how did that happen?

--- End quote ---

A broken knuckle: Did slow work with wooden wasters and caught my opponents blade on my finger. I also broke my instructors pinky when he decided to use padded motorcycle gauntlets during sparring and did a stop thrust at the absolute worst, stupidest time.

A separated rib: Landed on a hidden root after being thrown during a demo in a park when we did a dagger attack and defense at full speed.

4 partially dislocated ribs: During Scottish Backhold practice.


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