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Hmmm....That's impressive Ivan.
Slight necro to update all the status of my fencing club:
Petition reviewed by principle, principle liked it, assistant principle demanded it be sent up to the board.
After about 3 months at the board of edu w/ no replies back, I think they're pulling yet another fast one on me. (they have actually redefined bladed weaponry in order to keep my blunts out)
I'm thinking of just having the thing at my place or something. Same exact program and ideas, and all that jazz. Now have about 15-20 people who would be interested in the opportunity to regularly play with weapons.
But as a minor change, I would consider adding a middle finger in a large bend followed by a stylized image of my school on the COA..... >:(

jk...... ;D ;D ;D

Sir Edward:

Yeah I really think schools go overboard these days. When they start banning anything and everything that has even the slightest resemblance to violence or competition, such as dodge-ball or "cops and robbers" during recess, then it's no surprise that a high school will be upset about blunt swords.

I think schools have really lost their minds in the last few decades.

The sad thing is that there wouldn't even be a blunt sword on the premises during school hours!

Sir Rodney:
Have you tried the route of being an after school hours "private club" that rents the gym for a nominal fee?  You might be able to get around the red tape assuming they don't want to see a COI (certificate of insurance) naming your group.  In this manner, the school board has no say in the matter.  Are you friendly with the school athletic director?  He (She) can be your best friend in this matter.

Sir William:
Or do a class at the local YMCA...


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