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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-03-19, 19:03:54 ---The sad thing is that there wouldn't even be a blunt sword on the premises during school hours!

--- End quote ---

Two friends, their mother and I were kicked off of the high school tennis courts, in the evening and after school hours by the local PD. We were the only ones there, but since we weren't on the tennis team, they booted us. And that was around 12-15 years ago. As much as I distrust school "judgement" any more, it surprises me that a place like West Virginia that has a sizable hunting population would be so freaked out by a blunt sword.

Sounds like you're on the right path - just have it at your place, and the school can wallow in their idiocy. Then when this generation grows up and is terrified by the inevitable conflicts of living in the real world, outside of that little teaching bubble, and all go crying to their guidance counselor (HR) when they don't get a bonus and Teddy did because he had more sales than them, well, we can say "See, you should have let them have SOME kind of competitive activity!", instead of the "everyone tried, everyone gets a trophy!" nonsense. We're messing them up from an early age. That's why I wouldn't let my brother win at Pokemon all the time, even when he was 5; I think it helped him learn you don't always win, and that makes someone a better person.

Rodney has a good idea, but I think most schools would still have the weapons prohibition for after-hours clubs as well. Otherwise, someone could walk in with a weapon, hide it somewhere, a student gets it the next day and then....

Uhh, hmm, seem to have wandered off track here. Check with your parents (I'm guessing you live at home?) and see if the homeowner's insurance would cover injuries. It usually does, and it's a good thing to know for worst-case scenario.

Yeah. And BTW, the athletic director is a complete and utter moron hereabouts. Even if he WOULD go as far as to stop sucking face w/ high school girls to attempt to have an agreement he would probably deny it. I feel that I really don't want to work with that person in starting this.
So far, it is looking like my house will be the place. I'll run it by the people interested....

Sir William:
The athletic director is sucking face w/high school girls?  Uhhh...that is a distinct NO-NO. 

Sir Edward:

Sucking face? Or sucking up? Very different meanings. :)

Sir William:
He said 'sucking face' - that still has the same meanings it did when we were in school I'd wager.


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