Main > The Great Hall

Hello Gentlemen

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Good afternoon Gents,

Feeling a little.....confused. One of your number (don't know if he's a offcialy in the Order) suggested I wait until I have a hauberk to evenput my application in. I do not have and can't afford one at this time, but will shortly. I've been posting here for months now, I have my pics of my kit on Facebook (Tom Shorette) - I can't figure out to post them here. My kit is thus: a chainmail coif, Lionheart tunic, cheap gloves (to be soon upgraded), a William Marshall battle ready sword, a King Richard Robin Hood film sword, and a Gen2 Crusader dagger. I feel its time for my application...Obviously my kit will be completed and accurate upon rising through the ranks of the Order. So, should I go ahead and apply?

Thank you, good sirs!
Long live the King!

Sir Nate:
I will not hide it was Me that recommended a hauberk. But if you feel you are ready than do as you please. I simply wished to aid you in your quest, I ment no misguidance. I am sorry.

Sir Edward:
Armor isn't needed to apply. It becomes a requirement for the later ranks, which essentially is a partial kit at Squire, and a complete kit for Knight.

Technically you can apply at any time. It helps tremendously to participate on the forum for a while first, since the number one reason for denying membership is just a lack of knowing anything about the applicant.

The application is here:

Posting pictures on the forum is pretty easy. For facebook images, you can set them to "Public", and when viewing one, just grab the web address (URL) from the browser's address bar, and paste that into your message. Highlight the link in your message while you're still editing, and hit the "image" button (it's the button above the left-most smiley in the message editor), and it will be wrapped in "IMG" tags to share it inline in the message.

Another easy way to do it is to upload your images to a photo-sharing site like Flickr, Photobucket, Imgur, etc. Nearly all of those give you easy-to-copy "BBcode" to paste in forums to share the images.

Sir Nate:
After hearing this info, I apologize again for misguiding you Tom.

Sir James A:
We have the requirements spelled out here:

Sir Edward covered the kit requirements; none at Page level. Check over them, let us know if you have any questions, and fill in that application.


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