Main > The Great Hall

Hello Gentlemen

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Good evening, sirs. As for my kit, I'm about halfway there as far as what time period is in my heart and what I'll be representing (1180's-1220's). I did read you must have armour to be become a full fledged knight. I never really pictured myself in actual armour, but as Sir Brian said, chainmal, helm, tunic and sword (plus many accesories). I suppose I'll get the idea as I go on and learn from you all. And Sir Brian, GREEN is my color, and I've missed my chance to be the green knight!

Til next time.....

Sir Edward:

Heh, well considering there really are only 5 colors and 2 metals in heraldry, there are only so many color combinations that can be accomplished. Don't feel like you can't use a color just because someone else is. :)

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-11-13, 03:51:43 ---
Heh, well considering there really are only 5 colors and 2 metals in heraldry, there are only so many color combinations that can be accomplished. Don't feel like you can't use a color just because someone else is. :)

--- End quote ---

I second this notion.

*hint hint compare Sir Edward's and my avatar pics. ;)*

5 colors and 2 metals...This I didn't know. What are the colors and metals, and does each color represent a different value?? My personal arms are going to be somewhat similar of Edward III of England, as my father is french, my mother english (her maiden name is Worthington, who originated in Lancastershire). Lions and fluer de lis...still thinking. Anyway, about the colors???

Sir Edward:

For a great crash course on Heraldry, there's a great primer on the SCA site:

But to answer your question, the colors are here:

Basically red, green, blue, black, and purple (rare) are the colors, and the metals are white (silver) and yellow (gold). The distinction between a "color" and a "metal" is that the metals are bright, whereas the other colors are not, so there are rules about how they can be combined.


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