Main > The Great Hall

Hello Gentlemen

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Sir Brian:
Well as you stated you seem to have zeroed in your timeline to the late 1100’s to early 1200’s. This will make the choice in armor relatively simple: A maille hauberk, maille chausses, a long surcoat, a shield and helm.  :)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: LionPride32 on 2013-11-12, 01:11:28 ---Anyways, I'm glad to be here. So is there any particular thread or area of the forum that newbies should go to become familiar with the Knights and s everyone or just post whereve I please? (I'm already thinking ahead) Again thanks for accepting me to the forum and let my journey begin.

--- End quote ---

Feel free to participate in threads all over the forum. You found the right place for starting an introduction, so you're off to a good start. :)

Sir James A:
Hail and welcome!

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Welcome LionPride32 and good speed to you.
You have certainly found the right place for advice on kit.

Sir Wolf:


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