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Heraldic Design

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Lord Dane:
SCA is funny in what they deem historical, or appropriately suited as far as specifications in heraldry. Keeping it simple is the standard. No pun intended. Actual family crest is hard to deny by the College of scribes who maintain the heraldric rules. Their rules can be challenged and changed by petition if there is questionable conflict.


Sir Edward:

The SCA also discourages (or disallows, I'm not sure which) the use of existing heraldry from the real world. That is, you shouldn't use your own family's arms.

Getting it to pass is also a challenge from the standpoint of uniqueness. If it too closely resembles other already-registered arms, then it won't pass. They require at least two points of difference from all other arms, if I recall correctly.

Simple is better, but some of the simplest arms are also difficult because they may resemble something else too closely. For instance, even if you use a bird that no one else is using, most birds can look the same from a distance, so if the colors and positioning match, it might still not pass.

Generally speaking, if you want to register your arms, you should get it passed before painting it on anything.

In terms of them disallowing your use of heraldry that is not passed-- Obviously they can't stop you from painting shields, or using it at non-SCA events. But they will probably enforce it if you try to use that heraldry in an official tournament. Beyond that, I'm not sure.

Sir Rodney:
I’ve been using my non-registered arms for over 12 years in the SCA.

The College of Heralds has shot down more of my name and arms submissions than I can recall.  In one instance, a regional deputy denied a submission that was written for me by another herald!   :o

At this point I’m over it and use what I want on the field of combat and in tournaments.

Don Jorge:

--- Quote from: Lord Rodney on 2014-06-08, 03:47:03 ---I’ve been using my non-registered arms for over 12 years in the SCA.

The College of Heralds has shot down more of my name and arms submissions than I can recall.  In one instance, a regional deputy denied a submission that was written for me by another herald!   :o

At this point I’m over it and use what I want on the field of combat and in tournaments.

--- End quote ---

Ack! Another herald wrote my stuff...hopefully it name is pretty easy to register as the name shows up in 15th century manuscripts...lets hope my heraldry passes...if not I will wear my tunic anyway...because you know...I am a rebel :)


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