Main > The Great Hall

Well met, fellow do gooders.

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B. Patricius:
Sir Knight,

if you're willing to learn, I have excellent resources to help you rivet your own mail.  It's also a much cheaper alternative.  It's not too bad, just tedious, but once you get going it can become quite fun.

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-06-04, 09:39:23 ---Men (of age, competency, capability, and responsibility) should need no permission to bear arms to their own defense, their homes, their country, or their Lord. Period!!!   

--- End quote ---

If you change that to 'people' then I'm 100% behind that statement.  Would that we could adopt a more medieval approach to LE and justice in general.

Hail and well met, Sir Knight.  I believe you'll fit right in here, mate.  ;)


--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-06-05, 14:05:18 ---
--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-06-04, 09:39:23 ---Men (of age, competency, capability, and responsibility) should need no permission to bear arms to their own defense, their homes, their country, or their Lord. Period!!!   

--- End quote ---

If you change that to 'people' then I'm 100% behind that statement. 

--- End quote ---

I'm fairly confident he meant the proverbial 'men' and didn't intend to exclude women.

Sir William:
Ha.  Knowing Dane, I wouldn't be so sure.  ;)

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-06-05, 14:53:55 ---Ha.  Knowing Dane, I wouldn't be so sure.  ;)

--- End quote ---

Ian is correct in my reference & as far knowing me Sir William ... I could be a woman for all you know. LOL :P


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