Main > The Great Hall

Well met, fellow do gooders.

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Knight on 2013-06-03, 05:58:43 --- The laws of owning a sword are strict here, you need to purchase a license from the police or you need to be in an exempt group.

Plus, when you get your sword, it has to be stored in a place which is bolted down and indestructible. I think any intruders would just stab me with a butter knife and THEN steal my sword when they were done.  :o

--- End quote ---

Ouch, that's pretty strict.

Sir Wolf:
huzzah and welcome!

Sir James A:
I'd really like to know how they define "indestructible". Cannon proof? :) That's very strict indeed.

Lord Dane:
I welcome a more medieval time period to our legal system. Simple in format with no technicalities or long-winded legalize. Just an admonition or admission of guilt, followed by penance, and punishment that will bear real accountability & justice to those wronged. Too many rules making it complex and easy to avoid accountability for one's actions. Lord as judge, parties as combatants, and let justice be done. :)

Men (of age, competency, capability, and responsibility) should need no permission to bear arms to their own defense, their homes, their country, or their Lord. Period!!!   

Lord Chagatai:
Well met and welcome!!!

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