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Author Topic: Well met, fellow do gooders.  (Read 27477 times)

Sir Knight

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Well met, fellow do gooders.
« on: 2013-06-01, 14:26:45 »
Forsooth, I be new unto this realm that I have walked upon and offer you all my heartiest greetings. Nay, I should wager there be not three, not two nor even one knave, fool or slubberdegullion standing among these brave and courageous men and women.

I'm 18 and I am greave deep in tomes. I have a kit of my own, which my mummy sewed for me. But I did the gluing, painting, sanding, cutting and maille modifications. As long as you ignore the first bit, I sound pro.  8) My dream is to learn how to joust like a real knight.

When I subscribed to this forum it said unto me 'Halt, stand and declare thineself, lest you be put in the junk folder!'. It took me 20 times or something to get the impossible to read verification thing right.

But I am here! Hello. I am keen to share and recieve much knowledge and will go forth to ask one right now.
« Last Edit: 2013-06-01, 14:31:55 by Sir Knight »


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Re: Well met, fellow do gooders.
« Reply #1 on: 2013-06-01, 16:08:26 »
Welcome to the Modern Chivalry forums!  Well met, and enjoy your stay!
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Sir Edward

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Re: Well met, fellow do gooders.
« Reply #2 on: 2013-06-02, 02:21:03 »

Hail, and well met! Welcome to the forum!
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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B. Patricius

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Re: Well met, fellow do gooders.
« Reply #3 on: 2013-06-02, 03:29:35 »
Hail and well met Sir Knight!  I'll let Sir Wolf do the obligatories when he reads all this about your kit  ;D  and lo!  I am no longer the lowest in seniority as the penitent noob! 

It's a great group here, with tons of resources and knowledge for you to enjoy.  Also, you being only 18 and joining the group gives me hope that there is a bright future ahead with today's youth ;)  Also we do enjoy a good joking every now and again.

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Sir Knight

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Re: Well met, fellow do gooders.
« Reply #4 on: 2013-06-02, 07:48:17 »
Here's my damn sexy kit, notice the absence of a shield. Usually I cheat and wield a bossed kite shield, but, if I took off the boss and sanded the top a bit I might get away with it. I'm a mid to late 12thc. knight with Templar accessories. The 'bile green' makes it look like I'm an extra in a 1950s historical drama, I like it.

Galvanized steel is very shiny unfortunately, but now I don't have to worry about it rusting. It's 16 gauge, 9mm and flat ringed with domed rivets.


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Re: Well met, fellow do gooders.
« Reply #5 on: 2013-06-02, 08:55:03 »
Welcome! So whats your name and where do you hail from?

-Thorsteinn Raudskeggr (SCA name)
Silver Desert, Cynagua, West Kingdom.
(mka Sparks, NV, USA)
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Sir Knight

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Re: Well met, fellow do gooders.
« Reply #6 on: 2013-06-02, 11:13:28 »
Hail Thorsteinn!

The SCA is fantastic for activities, but for the fighting... I did at one time informally participate in training activities at the SCA in Victoria/Australia, but the fighting wasn't really for me. The branches are small too sadly.

I don't like the system of getting hit, going on your knees or losing an arm depending on impact, having to philosophically judge how hard you were hit, deal with people who get angry if they think you're cheating them, etc. Some people actually do try to hurt you, which is really scary.

What I prefer is just sparring. Not purposely trying to disable opponents, just going for different spots and being blocked. The armour is a formality for when a shot gets through. But you aren't purposely trying to hit people. It's just more fun when you take that component out. I'd prefer to do mock fighting with live steel, however, such things are difficult to find where I live.

Also call me a bit old fashion, but the formality of the SCA can be a little overbearing. I don't like standing around and shouting 'huzzah!' and bowing to everybody. I do like the idea of it being an authentic experience for everyone and seeing people wearing authentic things and speaking in a non modern way, but the overly formal setting is daunting sometimes.  :o

I don't want to spoil anyone's enthusiasm. I think the SCA is great, but some aspects of it just don't suit me and I am happy so many people do enjoy it.

A persona was something I never developed, as I prefer to be myself. It lightens my duties as actor, moreover, it allows me to play myself but with a knightly voice.  8)
« Last Edit: 2013-06-02, 11:25:20 by Sir Knight »

B. Patricius

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Re: Well met, fellow do gooders.
« Reply #7 on: 2013-06-02, 16:16:30 »
Sir Knight,

well said about your personal feelings about the SCA.  It's a great venue for a lot of people, I dabble in it for major events, but am not an official member myself for much of the same reasons as you.  I feel Thorsteinn lucked out.  He's from Kingdom of the West, which is the original kingdom of the SCA and they do, along with Caid to their south, seem to fight differently than here in Atenveldt. 

That's a beautiful kit btw.  There's always room for improvement, as I'm sure you know, but that is such a sweet kit for you to begin with and develop a base from.  Also, a kite is totally acceptable for the 12th century ;)

I too, have my persona mainly developed as me, but in the 1200s.  Basically I would be a veteran of the Third Crusade, and after long reflection and discussion about it here:
http://modernchivalry.org/forum/index.php/topic,269.0.html I came to realize that I would have more than likely been a Knights Templar.  The more research I have done, just on the crusades mind you, and St. Bernard of Clarivoux, the more I was drawn to that order.

It's funny too, in the beginning, I must admit to my lack of history knowledge and research, and didn't appreciate the Knights Templar for who I truly now believe they really were.  I just knew about their trials of heresy from school, where unfortunately, they talked more about the Templar's end rather than their beginnings.  And unfortunately, "Kingdom of Heaven" and the "Assassin's Creed" games also prejudiced my eyes.  Now, I feel drawn to them, to "set the record straight" as it were, in my own way, and to portray one as accurately as I can in respect to the honor of these fine men.
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Re: Well met, fellow do gooders.
« Reply #8 on: 2013-06-02, 17:30:08 »
And being from the West I know good folks in Lochac (it used to be ours :) ). I could get you in touch with them if you're still in Australia. :)
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Sir Knight

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Re: Well met, fellow do gooders.
« Reply #9 on: 2013-06-03, 05:58:43 »
Thanks Patricius!

You're right, people can get the wrong impressions of forgotten times because of modern entertainment. I think that, although in some cases great research and effort is invested in creating a believeable experience, some of those corners are cut to make things easy on themselves and allow more liberties in their 'world'.

My kit definitely needs tender loving care. I doubt anyone recognises the backdrop, that's me at Kryal Castle. It's more a theme park than a real castle but it is a great chance to strut around in my kit. The main things I need to work on are the gloves, boots and tailoring the armour. I used silver to rivet maille in where it was too low at the chin of the coif, which is fine, but I need to find somebody local who can do it properly with steel rivets.

Sadly, the only medieval fair in Victoria closed down. Used to be at an old cheese factory for around 10 years, then it disappeared. Now there are few chances to participate in such things. I did go to a monthly SCA event where all the branches come together to train and just hang out, but as I said, it's often just standing around shouting 'huzzah!'. The real magic of the SCA, for me, comes from the fantastic skills and trades that are practiced.

So right now I'm looking for a place to do some live steel fighting. I've never used a real sword before, but I'm willing to learn. The laws of owning a sword are strict here, you need to purchase a license from the police or you need to be in an exempt group.

Plus, when you get your sword, it has to be stored in a place which is bolted down and indestructible. I think any intruders would just stab me with a butter knife and THEN steal my sword when they were done.  :o

Sir Edward

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Re: Well met, fellow do gooders.
« Reply #10 on: 2013-06-03, 13:37:56 »
The laws of owning a sword are strict here, you need to purchase a license from the police or you need to be in an exempt group.

Plus, when you get your sword, it has to be stored in a place which is bolted down and indestructible. I think any intruders would just stab me with a butter knife and THEN steal my sword when they were done.  :o

Ouch, that's pretty strict.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir Wolf

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Re: Well met, fellow do gooders.
« Reply #11 on: 2013-06-03, 13:53:45 »
huzzah and welcome!

Sir James A

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Re: Well met, fellow do gooders.
« Reply #12 on: 2013-06-03, 15:47:25 »
I'd really like to know how they define "indestructible". Cannon proof? :) That's very strict indeed.
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Lord Dane

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Re: Well met, fellow do gooders.
« Reply #13 on: 2013-06-04, 09:39:23 »
I welcome a more medieval time period to our legal system. Simple in format with no technicalities or long-winded legalize. Just an admonition or admission of guilt, followed by penance, and punishment that will bear real accountability & justice to those wronged. Too many rules making it complex and easy to avoid accountability for one's actions. Lord as judge, parties as combatants, and let justice be done. :)

Men (of age, competency, capability, and responsibility) should need no permission to bear arms to their own defense, their homes, their country, or their Lord. Period!!!   
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Lord Chagatai

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Re: Well met, fellow do gooders.
« Reply #14 on: 2013-06-04, 21:36:16 »
Well met and welcome!!!

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