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Brother Patricius reporting in

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I'm to your NW a bit up here in Reno. I'm a member & officer of the SCA up here, and have done some HEMA work in the past.

Also, for an all too short time, I was an Airman. :)

-Thorsteinn Raudskeggr.

B. Patricius:
Sir Wolf,
thank you for the warm welcome good sir!

an airman!?! see? we puddle-pirates get all the flak when it's the Air Force that's bar none the most spoiled! I have pictures!  ;D I have pictures!
on a more serious note, do you ever head out to the Northern California RenFaire? Or do any SCA events down south like Estrella or Great Western War?  It'd be great to meet up.  Although, I'm in a 13th century Japanese kit within the SCA ;) so I'd be incognito

welcome! Thank you for your service.  :)

B. Patricius:
Many thanks to Sir Nathan, and the rest on this forum.  I must say, having kidding banter about my choice of branch is so enlightening versus what I'm used to.  Most people, who do not know what the US Coast Guard does (especially in this day and age) seem to just treat us like the step-child of the military.  Truly as Kevin Costner said in "The Guardian," "We're the Coast Guard... they only care and appreciate us when they need us."

I had the honor of meeting him once, it was a great day.  He took me, and my whole boat (only 18 of us, it was a small cutter) out for dinner.  The whole time, it seemed surreal to all of us.  For us, we're having dinner with the man who payed to make a movie about us, and actually get it right, with members of the Coast Guard IN the movie.  For him, he was eating with the Coast Guard, wearing one of our boat hats and sweatshirts, with all of us in our best dress blues, and him knowing what our unique and special ribbons and medals actually meant.

He even told me, when he saw my uniform that he wished he could also do a movie on the Coast Guard Law Enforcement side (the side Ian was talking about with HITRON, and LEDET) but was "advised" not to, because we like it quiet.

I was discharged far before I had wanted to.  And I must say it was my fault and stupidity.  But I'll never forget what a Chief told me during my "checking out,"  "Murf, you know what goes on here, you appreciate it, and you'll always be a Coastie.  If it isn't classified, or hush-hush for a good reason, talk about it with whoever is willing to listen."  That in conjunction with Mr. Costner's "The Guardian,"  I'm starting to think we're finally being seen in a different light.  At least, it seems that way sometimes.  And here especially, it's most appreciated.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-04-18, 23:54:00 ---I was discharged far before I had wanted to.  And I must say it was my fault and stupidity.
--- End quote ---

I sense a story, and I'm curious now..


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