Main > The Great Hall

Brother Patricius reporting in

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B. Patricius:
I was medically discharged.  I wanted a career.  I got hurt.  I didn't get it.  ;D
good story?
basically that's the gist of it.  Rule number 1 of anything remotely military, any and all things they teach you, regardless of how menial and stupid it may seem, is important.  I got slack, got hurt, and now I'm out collecting disability instead of enjoying a life-fulfilling career.  But oh well, it's been a few years now, and I don't have many regrets.  I'm just trying to find what to do now.  Ever since I can remember, I've always wanted to serve my county.

Lord Dane:
What ever happened to Brother Patricius? ??? He's been out a long time & had a lot of promise to our group. Was a real nice guy too. Anyone keep in touch with him??

He's still around on Facebook

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-12-05, 20:59:58 ---He's still around on Facebook

--- End quote ---

Can you send me his facebook info Ian?? I'd like to reach out. Been a while.

Sir Nate:
"Welcome Patricius!"

Ohh..... this is old....I thought it was a comeback....


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