Main > The Courtyard

Quarterstaff and the Armoured Man.

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2012-05-09, 22:11:53 ---Another of our guys took a full force side kick to the chest while balanced and felt nothing. The other guy sprained his ankle.

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Sounds like the guy kicking needs more muscle, and/or better technique. Or he's not aiming high enough to break center of gravity. When I was in karate classes, I used to practice my step-in side kicks, full force, against a tree. No sprains, no breaks, and I doubt the tree had more give than the guy in armor. :)

Don't discount Sir Nathan too quickly. He may be young, but he's had training in multiple forms of martial arts, and he's not a tiny guy either. Having sparred with him myself a couple of times, he would probably surprise you.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---Sounds like the guy kicking needs more muscle, and/or better technique. Or he's not aiming high enough to break center of gravity. When I was in karate classes, I used to practice my step-in side kicks, full force, against a tree. No sprains, no breaks, and I doubt the tree had more give than the guy in armor.
--- End quote ---

I agree.

--- Quote ---Don't discount Sir Nathan too quickly. He may be young, but he's had training in multiple forms of martial arts, and he's not a tiny guy either. Having sparred with him myself a couple of times, he would probably surprise you.

--- End quote ---

That I do take into consideration and will be something to expect when I have the opportunity to bout with Sir Nathan.  I might add the I am the tiny guy here (5'2" to be exact), but don't be deceived by my height.  ;)


--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2012-05-09, 16:59:38 ---Dear Gods Of War:

Please let Nathan try to grapple me in my kit... with my 12 lb helm to headbutt him with, and my metal gauntlets, elbow cops, and knee cops to strike him with and all the various other bits of mayhem I have on me whilst he be unarmoured.


--- End quote ---

Ivan, I beleive you may be misinterpreting my message, as I am full-heartedly arguing for the guy in plate armour! I've grappled in the stuff, I know all the mayhem you can unleash. Trust me, in almost any combat situation, armour vs unarmour is just unfair.

Well your just no fun at all. ;)

Oh, Ivan you misinterpret me again!  8)

Of course I'm still up for that bout you implied we were going to have on the last page!   ;)
Although, I would be wearing armour, should we ever cross blades.


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