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Quarterstaff and the Armoured Man.

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Seems to me that a quarterstaff guy Vs Armoured guy is at a huge disadvantage.

For one, all your shots are null.

For another, plate armour I've found gives one a great advantage in all those nice grapples and such.
I'd say if the fancy leveraging techniques that'll work against armour with a quarterstaff are used, the fight was decided by the armoured man's incompetence or at the least extreme contemplacency. 

If I were in the situation, I would take advantage of the not-45 pounds on my frame and get out of there faster than the armour guy.  ;)

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---I think someone truly trained in the quarterstaff could give an armored man a bit of trouble, provided he was quick enough to feint, thrust and move away, side step or rollout a blow, then use the armored man's momentum to take him to the ground and either crush his throat or keep him off his feet at the least until he can be finished, or he yields.

Of course, a solid thrust of a sword from behind a shield could make all of that moot if the qstaff fighter is neither quick or sure-footed.
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You make a good point Sir William. 

--- Quote ---It's a safety liability if someone traps a polearm between another person's neck and the haute guard - one wrong pivot of the polearm and the first point to give way will be soft neck bone, and not the steel haute guard - unless the strap breaks. I wanted a left side haute guard on my armor back for the 1 season I did SCA heavy, and was told I could not because of that. Particularly dangerous for melees where there's weapons flying on all sides. I also heard there are no strikes allowed of more than 180* swing with a great weapon, which you certainly had thrown at you. To make sure we're talking about the same thing, a haute guard is a vertical guard on a pauldron, like here ( There might be some variances that says leather ones are allowed, but not steel (since the leather will give easily). I'd actually be a bit surprised if they are legal.

It was somewhere around 15 years ago that I last picked up a stick, and it's east coast, and only at the local fighter practices (I never fought at an event, or got authorized); that may have something to do with it?
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Good point.

--- Quote ---Yes. I just reviewed the West Kingdom 2011 ACM and found no mention of Haute Guards. I never even remember that being a rule here. Nor can I see how having haute guards is any worse than that leathery bit they wore in the 12th century on the shoulder (alliette?) which is legal.

Society level they are legal but your local kingdom mileage may vary.
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Thank you Rautt, this was helpful.

--- Quote ---Seems to me that a quarterstaff guy Vs Armoured guy is at a huge disadvantage.

For one, all your shots are null.

For another, plate armour I've found gives one a great advantage in all those nice grapples and such.
I'd say if the fancy leveraging techniques that'll work against armour with a quarterstaff are used, the fight was decided by the armoured man's incompetence or at the least extreme contemplacency.

If I were in the situation, I would take advantage of the not-45 pounds on my frame and get out of there faster than the armour guy.
--- End quote ---

You make a good point Sir Nathan, that could happen.

Dear Gods Of War:

Please let Nathan try to grapple me in my kit... with my 12 lb helm to headbutt him with, and my metal gauntlets, elbow cops, and knee cops to strike him with and all the various other bits of mayhem I have on me whilst he be unarmoured.


Sir William:
Ivan, I think you would be in for more than you think...he might be unarmored, but that does not necessarily equate to a lack of fighting ability.  In armor or not, one should be able to rise to the occasion.  You assume he would allow you to close the distance so you could headbutt him...I would posit that before you could do so, he would sidestep you, tangle up your feet with the qstaff and take you to the ground, where your heavy steel head and longsword would do you no real bit of good- especially if he is on top.  ;)

Just an opposing thought.

No Longsword & I can ground fight well.

Besides. Not like he can do nearly as much to me with bare hands while in full mount compared to what I can do to him.

I, a 6'0" 225lb muscular guy, once did a demo for a friend where I hit him with an elbow strike to the sternum hard enough that it would have sent him to the hospital had he not been wearing armour. He did feel it and he was surprised at it's effect but it didn't slow him down one bit.

Another of our guys took a full force side kick to the chest while balanced and felt nothing. The other guy sprained his ankle.


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