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Quarterstaff and the Armoured Man.

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So, I got to say something about the idea that a man with a quarterstaff has a decently real chance against an armoured man. Ready?:

It's crap.

Why? I got hit by a quarterstaff like object a lot yesterday while in armour. The worst one hit me in the head. It weighed 5 lbs and was swung through a 270' arc by the end with full power, and it was only one of three or more that he did like that that I either blocked or shed. Had I been fighting for my life I would have fought through the pain of that one shot that landed with great power and made the guy pay dearly. Also, being armoured, and him not, I would hit things like his fingers and hand which is not hard (trust me I took a lot of hand shots yesturday. W/O gauntlets I would be toast) and I would eat a rib shot to take my opponents head.

Not saying that the staff wielder couldn't win, or that the staff isn't a great weapon, only that it's a low percentage option.


Notes: Yesterday  I was wearing a conical helm and lamellar  with clamshell gauntlets. This thought is to express opposition to the idea that someone other than one with the size, strength, skill, and speed of Little John could take a armoured man out with a staff without grave issue.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---So, I got to say something about the idea that a man with a quarterstaff has a decently real chance against an armoured man. Ready?:

It's crap.

Why? I got hit by a quarterstaff like object a lot yesterday while in armour. The worst one hit me in the head. It weighed 5 lbs and was swung through a 270' arc by the end with full power, and it was only one of three or more that he did like that that I either blocked or shed. Had I been fighting for my life I would have fought through the pain of that one shot that landed with great power and made the guy pay dearly. Also, being armoured, and him not, I would hit things like his fingers and hand which is not hard (trust me I took a lot of hand shots yesturday. W/O gauntlets I would be toast) and I would eat a rib shot to take my opponents head.

Not saying that the staff wielder couldn't win, or that the staff isn't a great weapon, only that it's a low percentage option.


--- End quote ---

You've taken quite a hitting with a quarterstaff.  I haven't seen any historical evidence of a quarterstaff fighter against an armored opponent.  But I am not denying that the basics that one uses in quarterstaff can be transcribed to pole arms (pole axes, bills, lances, partisans and halberds).  I can easily see why a lesser skilled armored opponent would be defeated by a quarterstaff fighter.  But the opposite can be true. 

Sir Edward:

That's the thing that's really sobering when you try to fight realistically with one person in full harness and the other not--  The guy in harness has a huge advantage if he has complete coverage. It's quite humbling if you're the unarmored guy.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---That's the thing that's really sobering when you try to fight realistically with one person in full harness and the other not--  The guy in harness has a huge advantage if he has complete coverage. It's quite humbling if you're the unarmored guy.
--- End quote ---

Good point Sir Edward!

Sir James A:
Agreed, it's a low percentage chance, but maybe higher than you think. If I were unarmored and had a quarterstaff, against someone in armor, I would go for leverage - not brute force. A quarterstaff is a nice, lengthy lever. Helmet or not, it doesn't take a huge amount of force to snap a neck, especially for a prone opponent - and that's something I hope would never be attempted in recreational context. There's a reason haute guards are banned in SCA (last I heard).

Basically, in SCA context, "quarterstaff guy" has a serious disadvantage and maybe a sliver of hope at best. In "real world" context, when he can trip/throw, ground grapple, and use leverage to try to kill (rather than just score in a system of limited offensive options) - he has a better chance. Not a huge chance by any means, but I still see a bit of potential if he can close cautiously and get into a position of advantage.

Sounds like you had fun. :)


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