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Back on TV for armored combat

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Sir Edward:

I'm getting to watch it in little tiny fragments, since youtube is being a pain and only loading a couple of minutes at a time.

But it's OK, I know what to expect. My poleaxe is the star of the show! Right? :)

Joshua Santana:
Sir Edward: Your Pole Ax was the lead in cast of armored combat weapons, given a full review and praise for it by none other than Das Bill!  You're lucky to your Pole Ax as your protege  ;)

Sir James A:
Now we see why the VAF info fliers for VARF are taking a while. :D


Great stuff!  Congratulations Bill!

Das Bill:
Thanks guys, and especially thank you Ed for the use of not only your sweet, sweet A&A poleaxe (god, that thing is sweet!), but also for loaning Tim the shirt of mail. I think it definitely added a new level to be able to have him wear that instead of only his gambeson.


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