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Back on TV for armored combat

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Das Bill:
A little while ago the local TV show Time Travel Virginia invited David Rowe and myself to do an episode to demonstrate Historical Swordsmanship (that episode was here )

Recently we were invited back on to demonstrate combat in armor. David Rowe unfortunately couldn't make it, so Tim Hall (another of VAF's Historical Swordsmansip instructors) gracioiusly stepped in to be my partner. The show will air later this month, but they put the lower quality version up on YouTube this morning. It's split into two links.

Part 1:
Part 2:

You'll note some pieces from Arms and Armor and Albion in there, too, as I wanted to make sure I showed some examples of high quality replica weapons.

Sir Wolf:
oooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo mr suitntie!!!!!!!!!!

Sir Rodney:
Very cool.  Thank you for sharing the links!

Sir Brian:
Excellent and well done Das Bill!  :)

Joshua Santana:
Just watched and what can I say, well done Das Bill!   ;D


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