Main > The Armoury

My Pikeman's armor

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Sir Matthew:
Yeah, leather was pretty expensive before the 16th cent., and even then it wasn't what I would call super cheap. I'm not sure why, but I would guess it would have to do with demand. Alot things were made out of leather or fur pelts and that would naturally drive up the price. Plus, tanning is a very long and involved process, not to mention very dirty and smelly. That might also have figured into the expense.

Because a Buff Coat wasn't made of deerskin, it was made out of Cow skin. It needs a thicker skin to be able to dependably stop a sword. Buff coats were quite thick, some said being able to stop pistol shots from a medium range (for a pistol) and caliver shot from a long range.

Cows were worth a good bit of money in period. It wasn't until the 16th and 17th centuries where people had enough unused land to stick enough cattle on it to really make killing them for skin worth it.   

Sir William:
I'm going to butcher me a cow one day...and take his hide for my buff coat.  lol

Go for it. Watch out for the farmers though. Peasants are none too pleased when you start skinning their income......

Sir William:
I'll show'm a little steel and they'll be on their way...or end up with pretty bright steel jutting proudly from their chests or backs. 


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